
I dunno what it is... that time of the year or what, but everyone seems relationshipally (i created that word) jaded.

In general it seems to me like there are 2 kinds of people, the ones that get married and the ones that can't save a relationship to save their life. I'm definitely the latter.

I often wonder if its our generation or just the time/life period that which i currently occupy.

Gender roles are another thing that are totally jacked. I blame in on consumerism, but I will save that for another time. Women define and rule the relationships now, they are first to cheat, they make the rules and the guy just takes it... its a strange world we live in.

In more than one case that I've recently encountered people now like to hurt. I created a a quote about 5 minutes ago "The scars only exist if you look at them." People love their scars and let those scars clothe and define them.

There is no such thing as a bad experience. As long as there is experience it can't be bad.. Long Term that is.

My father once said something that has eternally affected my out look on love and life in general. and that is;

Think of that guy in the wheelchair, that one with that lame disease where there mind works just fine but nothing else does.....

How they wish they had my problems for just a day.

Just one day.

They will never experience that amazing feeling you get when you first get with that love interest...they will never experience any of the amazing feelings that led up to why you hate your ex... they will never have anything but a cold metal wheelchair.

The thought of that always makes me feel better... for myself that is.


1 comment:

Matthew said...

That's sad. I'm going to go find me a vege-person to love.