Ok... I say FUCK THE MAN- I hate the 5-0!


These two dumb shit smokies just came to my house at 2am and interrupted my hyper text markup languaging!

I hear this ridiculously loud banging coming from the living room, and I thought it was Seth being his usual self... But something was different so I went out to investigate to find that the banging was coming from the door. It sounds like they had a battering ram on the other side.

I thought it was Bryan so I said "Bryan?" No answer... "Who it is" Said I

"Berrien County Fuzz!" Said They.

"Where is Bryan?" asked one Smokey.. (There were 2 Swine)

"May We Come it?" asked the other Dick.


Those Fucking pigs just abuse their power.

It turns out that Bryan hit a pole 6 months ago in the winter. As they Fuzz were driving by they saw it and thought they needed to investigate at 2am. Then wake up half the fucking hood.

"It looked fresh because there was no rust in the dent" Said one Donut Muncher.

They threatened to take his license because Bryan didn't know that- If you hit something... anything at all you have to call the police and fill out a report.

"What do you smoke out of your bong?" One of the Fucktards asked pointing to the Houka.

"Crack yo!" Said Bryan.

Then he pulled his nine.


Brad said...

Please tell me this didn't actually happen. I am hoping this is simply one of your creative stories. Update me : )

Derek said...

True Story