What really...

....grinds my gears...


this is where i speak and you listen to whatever i think i need to SAY..

"surround yourself with people you want to be like."

"surround yourself with people who lift you higher."

-Recent advertisement for ANDREWS UNIVERSITY-
+ Creating a Myspace making fun of a VP - 1 semester

+ Refusing to go to Dorm Worship - 1 week

+ Possession of the illegal drugs marijuana - 3 days

+ Andrews University - Priceless ($25,000+ a year)

Online friends are better than real friends

Flies are a way more important to daily life than we give them credit for, how many living things are there that we can just kill when they annoy us? no consequences, and actually give you a good feeling, a friend might even congraduate you, and 2 minutes later you will never think of it again. You can kill as many as you want, whenever.
I wish you could illegally download food, and gas.

What if there were no such thing as visual perspective?
I, like Fox Mulder am immuned to teletronic mind control, due to my red/green defency, aka. color blindness. So I am immuned to any Photic Driving Responses, Tesicastopik images have no effect on men such as Fox and myself. My inability to perceive the color red renders me immune to any psychotropic effects.Message/Discussion board... i hate them... everyone just flames everyone... everyone are flamers!! i like to hate, but i dont flame. I jsut want to beat the crap out of each person who has some wiseacre comment that starts everyone fighting about improper punctuation, when im there to talk about hacking something. it really grinds my gears!

Asian Tourists!! They need to make an Asian Tourist repellent in spray form. They are so rediculous. It makes me think that these poor sots are locked in a cage until they are in their late 30's then they are given several thousand dollars and a Nikon camera and set free on the world!! They are WAY to stoked on life. ans THEY WONT STAY OUTTA YOUR FRGN WAY!!

a word to non photographers... grain is good... noise is bad.... blown out is fine.

I wish i could type faster so i could insult more people in less amount of time

for having eleventy billion users, why is myspace so shitty?

Why is it still so popular for college students to speak like they have no education?

-I'm not very cool, dont waste your time.

"Im only happy when im fighting" -derek peters

-For some people its !WARCRAFT!, some for !SEX!,
others for !CRACK! and still others !MYSPACE!, but for me...I
really enjoy playing Pokemon!

-I listen to too much rap music.

-Andy Warhol is the greatest artist.
-Screw Jackson Pollock.

-Im always waiting for something better.

-Matisyahu requires me to crip.

-I enjoy taking up hobbies that seem really manly.

"stay away from that bitch, she'll drop your game 5 stops."

-Jame Whitefox

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